Chew proof dog beds alone won't fix your dog's chewing problem: How to prevent your dog from chewing

Chew proof dog beds alone won't fix your dog's chewing problem: How to prevent your dog from chewing


When it comes to destructive dogs, most people cling to trying to find the right chew proof dog bed or other chew proof and chew resistant products rather than taking accountability and fixing the root of the problem.  I understand that it can be very frustrating and time consuming but it is of the utmost importance not only for your peace of mind but for your dog's health as well. Training our beloved dogs with positive reinforcement techniques can work wonders with time and dedication.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into some very simple ways to get your dog the mental stimulation they need to encourage good behavior and prevent bad behavior because choosing the right chew proof dog bed or product is just not enough. Finding the right approach to training and making sure your dog is getting enough exercise and stimulation is key to not only developing a great relationship with your dog but also keeping your dog safe, making sure he or she won't be eating and chewing on things they aren't supposed to.  An unexpected vet visit can be lethal to not only your dog but your wallet as well.

Understanding why Dogs Chew

Before looking into training tips, it's crucial to understand why dogs chew on things they aren't supposed to. Whether they're prone to chewing shoes, digging up the garden, or jumping on guests, dogs often exhibit these types of behaviors due to many things which include: boredom, lack of stimulation, anxiety, stress, and they genuinely don't know any better.  The only time I see dogs destroy things or break through their chew proof dog beds is when they are left unsupervised and are acting out of boredom and anxiety.  Most dogs just don't have enough daily activity due to the owners not walking or exercising their dogs.  

More times than not it's the owners that need training and not the dog.The lack of owners taking accountability for training their dogs leads to a lot of unexpected vet visits and constant worry so why not take the time to make sure your dog can live a safe life. A dog can only know if you teach them, they don't inherently know what is right or wrong.  They are not human, they need your help.  By addressing this root cause of their behavior and redirecting their energy in a positive and proactive manner we can set them on the path to becoming well behaved companions to ensure a lifetime of safety and peace of mind for you knowing you won't have to take a trip to the vet because your dog ate something they weren't supposed to.

Step 1: Be real with yourself

The first step in the process is to take a look in the mirror and really address whether or not you have invested ample time into your dog.  Are you scheduling out dedicated training time every day even for just 10 minutes? Is your dog getting enough exercise and plenty of mental stimulation? If not, I'd say that it's not the dog's fault but a lack of accountability on the owner.

Most dog owners severely underestimate how much exercise their dog needs.  According to “most dogs need anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise per day.” Now that's a wide range so it's crucial that you know which amount of time your dog needs to exercise.  Not only will it be helpful for them with chewing, but it has many other health benefits as well including: weight management, brain stimulation, proper metabolic function, joint longevity and much more. Refer to the chart below to accurately see how much exercise your dog breed needs.


Step 2: Assess where you are at now and where do you want to be


The second step in the process is to assess what behaviors your dog is exhibiting now and where you would like them to be in the future.  Setting an end goal and reverse engineering it has helped me in not only training my dogs but also in every other aspect of my life as well.  Is your dog an aggressive chewer or a moderate chewer? Does your dog whine in the kennel or does your dog sleep? Are you consistent with exercise or sporadic and only do it when you have time. 


Taking a look at your daily routine and planning around it is key to achieving success with your dog. 


Step 3: Take Action


After you have determined what level of activity your dog needs to be successful for your desired outcome it's time to create a plan and stick to it.  If you cannot supervise your dog and do not work from home I would highly suggest exercising your dog before you leave for work, when you get home and then right before bed.


If you have a backyard you can play fetch for 30 minutes, if you live in an apartment you could go to a dog park or even take your dog on a walk which would be good for you as well!  It's up to you to decide what kind of exercise is appropriate for your activity level and your dog and then stick to it.  Because if you deviate then depending on the type of chewer you have, destruction will ensue. 


Pro tip:


If you know you can't get your dog the exercise they need that day, make sure to put your dog in a kennel with a toy or another mentally stimulating thing.  Do not put a chew proof dog bed in the kennel or blankets or anything unless you want to come home to a mess.  If you don’t trust your dog, I would only give your dog a bed when you can supervise his or her behavior.




Training and or exercising your dog can be a challenging and time consuming task depending on your schedule and fitness level. Understanding why dogs chew and creating an action plan is key to your success. If you don't trust your dog or did not have enough time to exercise your pup don't leave anything out that might get chewed. Execute your plan and adjust.  If you need any further assistance please shoot us an email and we can connect you with a trainer.


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